Organic decal

Taking advantage of the benefits of decorating products with decal (water sticker), we propose another technique – an organic decal. Unlike ceramic decal, in organic decal the bond between surface and decoration consists in the adhesive surface bonding. Scratch resistance of thermally hardened surface is comparable to this of painted household items. The printing of organic decal consists in using  polyurethane pint and special paper. Print is secured with layer of  protective paint. After applying decoration on the surface, the layer of organic decal is joined with the surface by heating in heigh temperature. Recommended temperatures for heating decorated products: 160-180C.
For all items that are difficult for decorating, we have system of products to enhance the adhesion.


Technological process:

  • - project and print preparation
  • - printing on paper
  • - transfering decoration on the product
  • - removal of layer of protective paint, washing the product
  • - firing in 180 C



  • - minimal  thickness of the text: positive - 6 points, 8 points negative 
  • - minimal thickness of the line : positive – 0,2 mm ; negative – 0,4 mm
  • - limits in reproduction of some colours
  • - poor scratch resistance 
  • - poor resistance to washing in the dishwasher 
  • - no “shiny effect” - no shiny gold or silver



  • - colours are unlimited: full range of colours, cmyk, fluorescent colours
  • - large surface of decoration
  • - decoration of different surfaces (convex, concave)
  • - preparing on one sheet of decal (print preparations are only once), different decorations to be applied on different products (mugs, cups with saucers, gadgets etc.)
  • - resistance to light
  • - paints containing no heavy metals in accordance with the DN EN 71-3 (safe for kids) 
  • - accurate matching of subsequent colours
  • - multicolour decorations (no limit of the numbers of colours)
  • - photo decoration (100 and 120 lpi)

Organic decal